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Marilla Community Centre

Pregnancy, Mums and Bubs

Mon, 3 Sep 2018
10:30 - 12:00

This week we have a local Lactation Consultant coming to have a chat and answer any concerns you have. 

This is a FREE event. 


This group aims to support pregnant women and newborns (up to 12 months).

Its an informal meet up where you get to chat to other mums and get/share advice and information in regards to your pregnancy and experiences. Each week will have a different topic of discussion and some weeks we will have guest speakers and parenting workshops.

We have a digital baby weighing scales so you can check your babies weight. 

Come along for a coffee and a chat. 

Please bring a small snack to share (not compulsary)

To join Marilla please visit our website and click 'memberships' and 'new'


Ticket Type Price
Attendance Free Ticket $0.00 Sale Ended
Rockingham Naval Club
lot 6168, LOT 2732 Point Peron Rd, Peron WA 6168, Australia

LOT 7372 Point Peron Rd, Rockingham, Western Australia, 6168, Australia

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